Queen's pyramid of Senusret 3 overview
Region Egypt : Sites+Landmarks
Section Pyramids
Latitude 29.81965738 N suggest info
Longitude 31.2250548 E
Status Accurate location
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29.819657, 31.225055 === 29.819657 N, 31.225055 E === 29° 49' 10.8" N, 31° 13' 30.2" E
Main site Pyramid of Senusret 3, circa 90 m (98 yd) south-east
Related site Queen's pyramid of Senusret 3, circa 192 m (210 yd) south-east
Nearest sites Pyramid SAK S 7, circa 1120 m (1224 yd) north
Pyramid of Djehuti, circa 1248 m (1364 yd) north
Pyramid of Khendjer, circa 1422 m (1555 yd) north
Cult pyramid of Khendjer, circa 1474 m (1612 yd) north
Lepsius Pyramid 52, circa 1.5 km (1656 yd) south
Pyramid of Amenemhat 2, White Pyramid, circa 1.6 km (1695 yd) south
Lepsius Pyramid 53, circa 1.6 km (1729 yd) south
Pyramid SAK S 3, circa 1.6 km (1726 yd) north
Lepsius Pyramid 54, circa 1.7 km (1873 yd) south
Lepsius Pyramid 50, circa 1.6 km (1716 yd) south-west
Lepsius Pyramid 55, circa 2.3 km (2504 yd) south
Cemetery of 4th Dynasty, circa 2.3 km (2533 yd) south-west
Pyramid of Shepseskaf, circa 2.3 km (2561 yd) north-west
Pyramid of Qakare Ibi, circa 2.6 km (1.6 mi) north
Cult pyramid of Pepi 2, circa 2.5 km (1.5 mi) north-west
Pyramid of Pepi 2, circa 2.5 km (1.6 mi) north-west
Pyramid of Snefru (C), Red Pyramid, circa 2.2 km (2412 yd) south-west
Pyramid of Amenemhat 3 (A), Black Pyramid, circa 3.1 km (1.9 mi) south
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Tags Sites + Landmarks
Database ID 8844, created 28 Jul 2012, 00:46, Last changed 8 Apr 2014, 18:24