Cemetery of 4th Dynasty overview
Region Egypt : Sites+Landmarks
Section Cemeteries
Latitude 29.80047695 N suggest info
Longitude 31.21568905 E
Status Accurate location
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29.800477, 31.215689 === 29.800477 N, 31.215689 E === 29° 48' 1.7" N, 31° 12' 56.5" E
Nearest sites Temple of Snefru, circa 613 m (670 yd) south
Pyramid of Amenemhat 2, White Pyramid, circa 934 m (1022 yd) north-east
Lepsius Pyramid 50, circa 1191 m (1303 yd) north
Lepsius Pyramid 54, circa 962 m (1052 yd) north-east
Lepsius Pyramid 55, circa 928 m (1014 yd) east
Lepsius Pyramid 53, circa 999 m (1092 yd) north-east
Lepsius Pyramid 52, circa 1032 m (1129 yd) north-east
Pyramid of Snefru (B), Bent Pyramid, circa 1281 m (1401 yd) south-west
Pyramid of Amenemhat 3 (A), Black Pyramid, circa 1232 m (1348 yd) south-east
Pyramid of Snefru (C), Red Pyramid, circa 1282 m (1402 yd) north-west
Cult pyramid of Snefru (B), circa 1438 m (1573 yd) south-west
Pyramid South-Dahshur A, circa 2.2 km (2353 yd) south
Pyramid South Dahshur B, circa 2.2 km (2449 yd) south
Queen's pyramid of Senusret 3, circa 2.2 km (2379 yd) north-east
Queen's pyramid of Senusret 3, circa 2.2 km (2406 yd) north-east
Queen's pyramid of Senusret 3, circa 2.2 km (2414 yd) north-east
Pyramid of Senusret 3, circa 2.3 km (2489 yd) north-east
Queen's pyramid of Senusret 3, circa 2.3 km (2533 yd) north-east
Queen's pyramid of Senusret 3, circa 2.3 km (2551 yd) north-east
Queen's pyramid of Senusret 3, circa 2.3 km (2568 yd) north-east
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Tags Sites + Landmarks
Database ID 1484, created 30 May 2010, 02:58, Last changed 2 Jun 2010, 20:50