Pyramid of Shepseskaf overview
Region Egypt : Sites+Landmarks
Section Pyramids
Latitude 29.83892165 N suggest info
Longitude 31.21524129 E
Status Accurate location
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29.838922, 31.215241 === 29.838922 N, 31.215241 E === 29° 50' 20.1" N, 31° 12' 54.9" E
Nearest sites Queen's pyramid of Pepi 2, Wedjebten, circa 141 m (154 yd) north-west
Cult pyramid of Pepi 2, circa 155 m (169 yd) north-west
Pyramid of Pepi 2, circa 223 m (244 yd) north-west
Queen's pyramid of Pepi 2, Neith, circa 304 m (332 yd) north-west
Queen's pyramid of Pepi 2, Iput II, circa 323 m (353 yd) north-west
Pyramid of Qakare Ibi, circa 382 m (417 yd) north-east
Pyramid SAK S 3, circa 996 m (1089 yd) south-east
Cult pyramid of Merenre, circa 1257 m (1375 yd) north
Pyramid of Merenre, circa 1292 m (1412 yd) north
Pyramid of Djehuti, circa 1154 m (1262 yd) south-east
Pyramid of Khendjer, circa 1110 m (1214 yd) south-east
Cult pyramid of Khendjer, circa 1103 m (1206 yd) south-east
Pyramid SAK S 7, circa 1285 m (1406 yd) south-east
Pyramid of Djedkare Isesi, circa 1450 m (1586 yd) north-east
Cult pyramid of Djedkare Isesi, circa 1441 m (1576 yd) north-east
Queen's pyramid of Pepi 1, Ankhesenpepi II, circa 1.6 km (1770 yd) north
Pyramid of unidentified queen, circa 1.6 km (1707 yd) north-east
Queen's pyramid of Pepi 1, Meritites II, circa 1.6 km (1800 yd) north
Queen's pyramid of Pepi 1, Ankhesenpepi III, circa 1.7 km (1829 yd) north
Queen's pyramid of Pepi 1, west pyramid, circa 1.7 km (1830 yd) north
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Database ID 1446, created 29 May 2010, 21:35, Last changed 8 Apr 2014, 18:24