Queen's pyramid of Pepi 2 overview
Queen's name Neith
Region Egypt : Sites+Landmarks
Section Pyramids
Latitude 29.84099376 N suggest info
Longitude 31.21319238 E
Status Accurate location
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29.840994, 31.213192 === 29.840994 N, 31.213192 E === 29° 50' 27.6" N, 31° 12' 47.5" E
Main site Pyramid of Pepi 2, circa 88 m (96 yd) south-east
Related site Cult pyramid of Pepi 2, circa 149 m (163 yd) south-east
Nearest sites Pyramid of Shepseskaf, circa 304 m (332 yd) south-east
Pyramid of Qakare Ibi, circa 432 m (472 yd) east
Cult pyramid of Merenre, circa 1057 m (1156 yd) north
Pyramid of Merenre, circa 1078 m (1179 yd) north
Pyramid of Djedkare Isesi, circa 1339 m (1465 yd) north-east
Queen's pyramid of Pepi 1, Ankhesenpepi II, circa 1443 m (1578 yd) north
Cult pyramid of Djedkare Isesi, circa 1343 m (1469 yd) north-east
Queen's pyramid of Pepi 1, Meritites II, circa 1475 m (1613 yd) north-east
Queen's pyramid of Pepi 1, Ankhesenpepi III, circa 1497 m (1637 yd) north
Pyramid of Rehrrychefnakht, circa 1.5 km (1649 yd) north
Queen's pyramid of Pepi 1, west pyramid, circa 1.5 km (1642 yd) north
Queen's pyramid of Pepi 1, Haaheru and Neterikhethor, circa 1.5 km (1661 yd) north
Pyramid SAK S 3, circa 1292 m (1413 yd) south-east
Queen's pyramid of Pepi 1, Inenek-Inti, circa 1.5 km (1650 yd) north-east
Queen's pyramid of Pepi 1, Behenu, circa 1.5 km (1679 yd) north
Queen's pyramid of Pepi 1, Nebwenet, circa 1.5 km (1676 yd) north-east
Pyramid of unidentified queen, circa 1457 m (1593 yd) north-east
Pyramid of Djehuti, circa 1457 m (1593 yd) south-east
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Tags Sites + Landmarks
Database ID 8903, created 27 Jul 2012, 23:54, Last changed 8 Apr 2014, 18:24