Berenice Panchrysos overview
Region Kush and Aethiopia : Settlements
Latitude 21.95004497 N suggest info
Longitude 35.14100506 E
Status Accurate location
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21.950045, 35.141005 === 21.950045 N, 35.141005 E === 21° 57' 0.2" N, 35° 8' 27.6" E
Nearest sites Berenice Troglodytica, Baranis, Medinet-el Haras, circa 220.7 km (137.1 mi) north
Tutzis, Temple of Dendur, circa 275.5 km (171.2 mi) north-west
Contra Pselchis, circa 279 km (173.4 mi) north-west
Hierasykaminos, Al-Maharraqa, circa 281.4 km (174.9 mi) north-west
Wadi es-Sebua, circa 281.5 km (174.9 mi) west
Pselqet, Pselchis, Ad-Dakka, circa 283.1 km (175.9 mi) west
Hierasykaminos, Al-Maharraqa, circa 282.9 km (175.8 mi) west
New Wadi es-Sebua, circa 282.9 km (175.8 mi) west
Pilak, Philae, circa 326.6 km (202.9 mi) north-west
Swenet, Syene, Aswan, circa 330.4 km (205.3 mi) north-west
Abu, Elephantine, circa 331 km (205.7 mi) north-west
Pyramid at Elephantine, circa 331.1 km (205.8 mi) north-west
Kiosk of Kartassi, circa 322.7 km (200.5 mi) north-west
Temple at Gerf Hussein, circa 322.8 km (200.5 mi) north-west
Temple at Kalabsha, circa 322.8 km (200.6 mi) north-west
Chapel of Dedwen, circa 322.8 km (200.6 mi) north-west
Talmis, New Kalabsha, Khor Ingi Island, circa 322.8 km (200.6 mi) north-west
Temple at Beit el-Wali, circa 322.9 km (200.7 mi) north-west
Temple at Senmet, Bigeh island, circa 326.1 km (202.6 mi) north-west
Konosso, circa 326.3 km (202.7 mi) north-west
≫ more...
Database ID 504, created 25 Jul 2006, 20:50, Last changed 10 May 2014, 15:16