Hierasykaminos overview
Modern name(s) Al-Maharraqa
Region Egypt : Sites+Landmarks
Section Temples
Latitude 22.80077 N suggest info
Longitude 32.54757873 E
Status Accurate location
Info Relocated temple from the early Roman era. The original location is now submerged in Lake Nasser.
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22.800770, 32.547579 === 22.800770 N, 32.547579 E === 22° 48' 2.8" N, 32° 32' 51.3" E
Main site Pselqet, Pselchis, Ad-Dakka, circa 189 m (207 yd) west
Related site Contra Pselchis, circa 48.3 km (30 mi) north-east
Nearest sites New Wadi es-Sebua, circa 879 m (961 yd) south
Wadi es-Sebua, circa 1475 m (1613 yd) east
Temple at Amada, circa 30.2 km (18.8 mi) west
Temple at Ad-Darr, circa 30.2 km (18.8 mi) west
Hierasykaminos, Al-Maharraqa, circa 32.9 km (20.4 mi) north-east
Qasr Ibrim, Primis, circa 59.3 km (36.9 mi) west
Tutzis, Temple of Dendur, circa 76.7 km (47.7 mi) north-east
Arminna, circa 77.1 km (47.9 mi) south-west
Abu Simbel, circa 107.8 km (67 mi) south-west
Pilak, Philae, circa 140.5 km (87.3 mi) north
Abu, Elephantine, circa 146.9 km (91.3 mi) north
Pyramid at Elephantine, circa 147 km (91.3 mi) north
Swenet, Syene, Aswan, circa 147.3 km (91.5 mi) north
Qustul, circa 126.4 km (78.6 mi) south-west
Ibshek, Pachoras, Faras, circa 129.6 km (80.5 mi) south-west
Temple at Gerf Hussein, circa 133 km (82.6 mi) north
Kiosk of Kartassi, circa 133 km (82.6 mi) north
Chapel of Dedwen, circa 133 km (82.7 mi) north
≫ more...
Tags Sites + Landmarks
Database ID 2153, created 16 Sep 2012, 15:56, Last changed 3 May 2015, 09:17