Funerary temple of Unas overview
Region Egypt : Sites+Landmarks
Section Temples
Latitude 29.86581311 N suggest info
Longitude 31.2229344 E
Status Accurate location
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29.865813, 31.222934 === 29.865813 N, 31.222934 E === 29° 51' 56.9" N, 31° 13' 22.6" E
Main site Pyramid of Unas, circa 815 m (891 yd) west
Nearest sites Horemheb Memphite tomb, circa 573 m (627 yd) west
Queen's pyramid of Userkaf, Neferhetepes, circa 821 m (898 yd) north-west
Cult pyramid of Userkaf, circa 874 m (956 yd) north-west
Saqqara, circa 798 m (872 yd) north-west
Pyramid of Userkaf, circa 939 m (1026 yd) north-west
Cult pyramid of Teti, circa 1021 m (1117 yd) north
Pyramid of Djoser, Step-pyramid, circa 862 m (943 yd) north-west
Pyramid of Teti, circa 1052 m (1150 yd) north
Queen's pyramid of Teti, Sesheshet, circa 1093 m (1195 yd) north
Mastaba of Mereruka, circa 1132 m (1238 yd) north
Mastaba of Kagemni, circa 1138 m (1244 yd) north
Mastaba of Ankhmahor, circa 1153 m (1261 yd) north
Queen's pyramid of Teti, Khuit, circa 1176 m (1286 yd) north
Queen's pyramid of Teti, Iput I, circa 1204 m (1317 yd) north
Pyramid of Sekhemkhet, Buried Pyramid, Djoserteti, circa 927 m (1013 yd) west
Mastaba of Nebka (Sanacht), circa 1045 m (1143 yd) north-west
Pyramid of Pepi 1, circa 1321 m (1445 yd) south
Headless Pyramid, Lepsius Pyramid 29, circa 1213 m (1326 yd) north
Queen's pyramid of Pepi 1, Nebwenet, circa 1387 m (1517 yd) south
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Tags Sites + Landmarks
Database ID 8987, created 17 Sep 2012, 01:05, Last changed 27 Oct 2012, 00:42