Nicopolis ad Istrum overview
Region Europe
Section Balkans
Latitude 43.21686771 N suggest info
Longitude 25.61312021 E
Status Accurate location
Info Roman and Early Byzantine town founded by Emperor Trajan around 101-106 CE, at the junction of the Iatrus (Yantra) and the Rositsa rivers, in memory of his victory over the Dacians
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43.216868, 25.613120 === 43.216868 N, 25.613120 E === 43° 13' 0.7" N, 25° 36' 47.2" E
Ancient Cities DataBase
A website for collecting general information about cities and towns that were founded before 400 AD
Nearest sites Seuthopolis mound, circa 61.7 km (38.4 mi) south-west
Seuthopolis mound, Shushmanets, circa 60.6 km (37.7 mi) south-west
Seuthopolis mound, Helvetia, circa 60.9 km (37.8 mi) south-west
Seuthopolis mound, Griffins, circa 60.9 km (37.8 mi) south-west
Seuthopolis mound, Kosmatka, Shipka, circa 61.8 km (38.4 mi) south-west
Seuthopolis mound, circa 62.5 km (38.8 mi) south-west
Seuthopolis mound, Ostrusha, circa 62.4 km (38.7 mi) south-west
Seuthopolis mound, Golyama Arsenalka, circa 62.6 km (38.9 mi) south-west
Seuthopolis mound, circa 63.1 km (39.2 mi) south
Seuthopolis mound, Kazanlak, circa 68 km (42.2 mi) south
Seuthopolis, circa 71.2 km (44.2 mi) south-west
Seuthopolis mound, circa 70 km (43.5 mi) south-west
Buzovdrad megalithic formation, circa 74.4 km (46.2 mi) south
Babovo, circa 102.1 km (63.5 mi) north-east
Nebet Tepe, Plovdiv, circa 137.8 km (85.6 mi) south-west
Taksim Tepe, Plovdiv, circa 138.3 km (85.9 mi) south-west
Dzhambas Tepe, Plovdiv, circa 138.3 km (86 mi) south-west
Philippopolis, Pulpudeva, Trimontium, Eumolpias, P'ldin, Pl'pdiv, Ploudin, Filibe, Plovdiv, circa 138.4 km (86 mi) south-west
Sahat Tepe, Plovdiv, circa 138.6 km (86.1 mi) south-west
Bunardzhik, Plovdiv, circa 139.1 km (86.4 mi) south-west
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Database ID 7294, created 19 May 2012, 22:37, Last changed 19 May 2012, 22:37