Tomb of Ramesses 2 overview
Other name(s) KV07
Region Egypt : Sites+Landmarks
Section Tombs
Latitude 25.740713 N suggest info
Longitude 32.60162083 E
Status Accurate location
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25.740713, 32.601621 === 25.740713 N, 32.601621 E === 25° 44' 26.6" N, 32° 36' 5.8" E
Theban Mapping Project
The Theban Mapping Project (TMP) is concentrated on the Valley of the Kings. Modern surveying techniques were used to measure its tombs. From the data collected, the TMP is preparing 3-D computer models of the tombs. For the TMP staff, sharing their work with the interested public is just as important as what they do in the field. This has been done through a series of publications and this growing website.
Nearest sites Tomb of Tiye or Akhenaten, KV55, circa 31 m (34 yd) south
Tomb of Ramesses 9, KV06, circa 28 m (30 yd) south-east
Tomb of Tutankhamen, KV62, circa 39 m (43 yd) south-west
Tomb of Ramesses 5 and Ramesses 6, KV09, circa 42 m (46 yd) south-west
Mummification storage chamber, KV63, circa 49 m (53 yd) south-west
Tomb of the sons of Ramesses 2, KV05, circa 41 m (45 yd) east
Tomb of Merenptah, KV08, circa 52 m (57 yd) west
Tomb of Amenmesse, KV10, circa 82 m (90 yd) south
Tomb of Ramesses 1, KV16, circa 85 m (93 yd) south
Tomb of unidentified person, KV56, circa 85 m (93 yd) south-west
Tomb of Seti 1, KV17, circa 94 m (103 yd) south-east
Tomb of Ramesses 3, KV11, circa 96 m (105 yd) south-west
Tomb of Ramesses 4, KV02, circa 98 m (108 yd) north-east
Tomb of unidentified person, KV58, circa 104 m (114 yd) south-west
Tomb of Ramesses 10, KV18, circa 115 m (126 yd) south-east
Tomb of Horemheb, KV57, circa 115 m (126 yd) south-west
Tomb of unidentified son of Ramesses 3, KV03, circa 111 m (121 yd) east
Tomb of unidentified person, KV49, circa 128 m (140 yd) south-west
Tomb of Yuya and Thuyu, KV46, circa 115 m (126 yd) east
Tomb of unidentified person, KV53, circa 133 m (146 yd) south-west
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Database ID 710, created 25 Dec 2012, 01:34, Last changed 25 Dec 2012, 02:31