Philippopolis overview
Region Levant
Section Southern Levant
Latitude 32.85385062 N suggest info
Longitude 36.6295854 E
Status Accurate location
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32.853851, 36.629585 === 32.853851 N, 36.629585 E === 32° 51' 13.9" N, 36° 37' 46.5" E
Ancient Cities DataBase
A website for collecting general information about cities and towns that were founded before 400 AD
Related site Philippopolis theater, circa 280 m (306 yd) west
Nearest sites Tell Debbeh, circa 6 km (3.7 mi) south-west
Qanu, Qanawat, circa 11.1 km (6.9 mi) south
Busruna, Bezer, Bosra, Busra, circa 39.8 km (24.7 mi) south-west
Salecah, circa 40.7 km (25.3 mi) south
Anz, circa 50.2 km (31.2 mi) south
Tell Ghiraba, circa 51.6 km (32.1 mi) north-west
Edrei, Dera, Dara, Adraa, circa 56 km (34.8 mi) south-west
Dara thater, circa 56.4 km (35 mi) south-west
Astartu, Ashtaroth, Tell Ashtarah, circa 57.6 km (35.8 mi) west
Tell Aswad, circa 61.6 km (38.3 mi) north
Umm el-Jimal, circa 63.5 km (39.5 mi) south-west
Golan, circa 64.6 km (40.2 mi) west
Ramoth Gilead, circa 66.6 km (41.4 mi) south-west
Tell al-Mal, circa 67.2 km (41.7 mi) north-west
Tell Jawa, circa 67.4 km (41.9 mi) south-east
Tell Umm el-Juren, circa 69.6 km (43.2 mi) west
Tell es-Subba, circa 70.1 km (43.6 mi) west
Tell Aswad, circa 71.6 km (44.5 mi) north
Tell el-Farass, circa 72.4 km (45 mi) west
≫ more...
Database ID 6850, created 7 Apr 2012, 18:25, Last changed 21 Apr 2014, 13:13