Br-wsir overview
Modern name(s) Abusir
Region Egypt : Settlements
Section Lower Egypt
Latitude 29.89764596 N suggest info
Longitude 31.20609605 E
Status Imprecise
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29.897646, 31.206096 === 29.897646 N, 31.206096 E === 29° 53' 51.5" N, 31° 12' 21.9" E
Web Br-wsir at Wikipedia
Nearest sites Mastaba of Ptah-shepses, circa 193 m (211 yd) south-west
Cult pyramid of Sahura, circa 197 m (215 yd) west
Pyramid of Sahura, circa 278 m (304 yd) west
Pyramid of Ini, Nyuserre, circa 331 m (362 yd) south-west
Abusir pyramids complex, circa 367 m (401 yd) south-west
Cult pyramid of Neferirkara, circa 416 m (454 yd) south-west
Pyramid of Neferirkara, circa 469 m (513 yd) south-west
Unfinished Pyramid of Abusir, circa 439 m (480 yd) west
Mastaba of Khentkaus II, circa 521 m (570 yd) south-west
Lepsius Pyramid 24, circa 559 m (611 yd) south-west
Lepsius Pyramid 25, circa 585 m (640 yd) south-west
Pyramid of Neferefra, circa 612 m (670 yd) south-west
Solar Temple of Userkaf, circa 741 m (810 yd) west
Abu Ghurab, circa 1329 m (1453 yd) north-west
Solar Temple of Nyuserre-Ini, circa 1385 m (1515 yd) north-west
Mastaba of Ti, circa 2.3 km (2509 yd) south
Serapeum at Saqqara, circa 2.4 km (1.5 mi) south
Mastaba of Ptahhotep, circa 2.8 km (1.7 mi) south
Mastaba of Nebka (Sanacht), circa 3 km (1.9 mi) south
Mastaba of Mereruka, circa 2.8 km (1.8 mi) south-east
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Database ID 586, created 25 May 2008, 16:20, Last changed 11 Apr 2011, 00:57