Pavlopetri overview
Region Aegean
Section Minoan
Latitude 36.51760469 N suggest info
Longitude 22.98933973 E
Status Accurate location
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36.517605, 22.989340 === 36.517605 N, 22.989340 E === 36° 31' 3.4" N, 22° 59' 21.6" E
Archaeological Sites of the Aegean Minoans
The Aegean Minoan 3D GIS Project was initiated in 2007 to produce a three-dimensional full-color mapping of the archaeological sites of the Minoans in the Aegean Sea area using Google Earth. It is intended to be a definitive geographical reference available to everyone. While this is an ongoing project and we are always looking to improve it, thanks to the many contributing scholars and volunteers it is by far the most comprehensive and accurate mapping of its kind.
Web Pavlopetri at Wikipedia
Nearest sites Pyrrichos, circa 51.8 km (32.2 mi) west
Therapni, circa 77.4 km (48.1 mi) north-west
Sparta, circa 80.5 km (50 mi) north-west
Pellana, circa 96.8 km (60.1 mi) north-west
Franchthi Cave, circa 101.5 km (63.1 mi) north
Mpoura, Boura, Phalaisiai, Falaisia, circa 112.3 km (69.8 mi) north-west
Asini, circa 114.7 km (71.3 mi) north
Tegea, circa 115.9 km (72 mi) north-west
Myloi, circa 117.5 km (73 mi) north
Diktynnaion, circa 117.8 km (73.2 mi) south-east
Alika, Athineo, Athinaio, circa 118.4 km (73.6 mi) north-west
Messene, Messini, circa 120 km (74.6 mi) north-west
Asea, circa 120.1 km (74.6 mi) north-west
Epidauros, circa 120.3 km (74.8 mi) north
Tiryns, circa 121.5 km (75.5 mi) north
Pyramid at Hellenikon, circa 122.2 km (76 mi) north
Avarinos, Varinos, Navarino, Spanochori, Port-de-Jonc, Zunchio, Pylos, Pilos, circa 123.2 km (76.6 mi) west
Phalasarna, circa 123.5 km (76.7 mi) south-east
Pylos, circa 123.7 km (76.9 mi) west
Megalopolis, circa 125.8 km (78.2 mi) north-west
≫ more...
Database ID 24847, created 21 May 2016, 19:06, Last changed 21 May 2016, 19:07