Kassope overview
Region Aegean
Latitude 39.1452417 N suggest info
Longitude 20.67556704 E
Status Accurate location
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39.145242, 20.675567 === 39.145242 N, 20.675567 E === 39° 8' 42.9" N, 20° 40' 32.0" E
Pleiades gives scholars, students, and enthusiasts worldwide the ability to use, create, and share historical geographic information about the ancient world in digital form. At present, Pleiades has extensive coverage for the Greek and Roman world, and is expanding culturally, spatially, and temporally.
Nearest sites Nikopolis theatre, circa 14.5 km (9 mi) south-east
Nikopolis, circa 15.6 km (9.7 mi) south-east
Nikopolis wall, circa 15.9 km (9.9 mi) south
Nekromanteion, Necromandio, circa 15.8 km (9.8 mi) north-west
Actium, Aktio, circa 23.7 km (14.7 mi) south-east
Orraon, circa 25.7 km (15.9 mi) north-east
Leukas, Lefkada, circa 34.9 km (21.7 mi) south
Elea, circa 34.5 km (21.4 mi) north-west
Ambracia, circa 26.7 km (16.6 mi) east
Dodona, circa 45.7 km (28.4 mi) north
Vitsa, circa 81.6 km (50.7 mi) north
Stratos, circa 76.6 km (47.6 mi) south-east
Stratos, circa 76.2 km (47.3 mi) south-east
Bouthroton, Butrint, circa 87.3 km (54.2 mi) north-west
Oiniadai, circa 93.7 km (58.2 mi) south-east
Korkyra, Corfu, circa 84.1 km (52.2 mi) north-west
Phoenike, Phoenice, Finiq, circa 100.5 km (62.4 mi) north-west
Adrianopolis, Hadrianopolis, Dropull, circa 102.2 km (63.5 mi) north-west
Pleuron, circa 103.2 km (64.1 mi) south-east
Antigoneia, Antigonia, Antigonea, Antigona, circa 111.9 km (69.6 mi) north-west
≫ more...
Database ID 2277, created 1 May 2012, 16:36, Last changed 1 May 2012, 16:36