Ephesos overview
Other name(s) Ephesus
Modern name(s) Selçuk
Region Aegean
Section Lydian
Latitude 37.94282707 N suggest info
Longitude 27.3384381 E
Status Accurate location
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37.942827, 27.338438 === 37.942827 N, 27.338438 E === 37° 56' 34.2" N, 27° 20' 18.4" E
Related sites Ephesos Serapeum, circa 346 m (378 yd) south-east
Temple of Artemis, Artemision, circa 2.4 km (2572 yd) east
Nearest sites Notion, circa 13.5 km (8.4 mi) west
Belevi Mausoleum, circa 14.2 km (8.8 mi) north-east
Claros, Colophon, circa 14.5 km (9 mi) north-west
Magnesia ad Maeandrum, Tekin, circa 19.3 km (12 mi) south-east
Magnesia ad Maeandrum Theatre, circa 19.5 km (12.1 mi) south-east
Metropolis, circa 20.3 km (12.6 mi) north
Priene, circa 31.7 km (19.7 mi) south
Lebedos, Levedos, circa 35.6 km (22.1 mi) west
Myous, Myus, Avsar, circa 39.3 km (24.4 mi) south
Tralleis, Anthea, Euanthia, Antiochia, "Seleucia ad Maeandrum, Erynina, Aydin, circa 44.5 km (27.7 mi) east
Pythagoreion, circa 45.4 km (28.2 mi) south-west
Miletos, Millawanda, Milawata, Balat, circa 46.1 km (28.7 mi) south
Karabel relief, circa 48.7 km (30.3 mi) north
Amyzon, circa 49.5 km (30.8 mi) south-east
Heraion of Samos, circa 49.9 km (31 mi) south-west
Teos, circa 55 km (34.2 mi) north-west
Smyrna, Izmir, circa 55 km (34.2 mi) north
Smyrna, Tepekule, Bayrakli, circa 59.8 km (37.2 mi) north
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Database ID 11291, created 14 Jan 2013, 20:26, Last changed 11 Jan 2015, 23:49